A 30ml Bach flower essence mix of the following remedies. Flower essences work quickly on the mental emotional pictures.
Star of Bethlehem a huge shock remedy especially if the relationship ended suddenly by surprise.
Sweet Chestnut helps you deal with the feelings of loss and loneliness after the breakup.
Pine helps you stop beating yourself up or blaming yourself for the ending of this relationship or loss or grief you have suffered.
Willow helps you to get any feels if of resentment towards your ex partner or resentment towards loss of a loved one.
White Chestnut can stop you replaying the same old conversations over and over again in your head.
Holly helps bring you into you alignment especially if you feel jealousy, suspicion, and anger.
Crab Apple helps restore self-esteem if your confidence was knocked or the loss of someone close has left you feeling unconfident.
With one of the following homeopathic remedies
Nat Mur for the person who does not like to be consoled, is prickly when anyone tries to console them, highly empathic and absorbs everyone elses emotions but doesnt allow anyone to help them cope with their own. Just cannot cry, if they do may cry alone or when listeneing to sad music or watching a sad movie.
Pulsatilla - Mild, timid, emotional and weepy. Easily offended. Very tearful. Well one moment miserable the next. Jealous Does not like to be alone. Comfort eating. Fear of Insanity.
Staphisagria very sensitive to what others have said about them. Sad and irritable, throws things at the person who offends them, sensitive to rudeness, dwells on sexual matters, hypochondriac, may like to masturbate.
Lachesis will want revenge, they will secretly, stalk the social media of the person and their new partner if they have one. May even want to fight verbally or physically with others, they are mad with rage and envy.
Ignatia for the hysterical one, screaming wailng and crying they just cannot get over it, sighing and sobbing and feeling so sad they have no clue what to do with themselves. Treats grief and low moods.
Sepia - Indifference to their loved ones. Aversion to her husband or her family, doesnt even like his . Angry, sensitive, irritable and miserable. Cannot stand contradiction. Anger from former vexations. Better for exercise. Aversion to sex.
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